Did You Know You Can Get a Blister on Your Eye?

Recognizing Eye Issues and Practicing Healthy Eye Self-Care

Ouch and eww! A blister! WHAT, really? I did not even know that was possible!

I have had some eye issues in the past. Born with a choroidal nevus (a freckle) on my eye, my optometrist referred me to a specialist in 2011 as they thought they noticed some unusual growth. After dye tests, ultrasounds, and years of regular observation, I am in the clear. I continue to see my ophthalmologist on annual visits. 

So, last December when I had a brief run-in with my other eye and a pine tree I thought, “oh shit, here I go again.” The eye tests were so uncomfortable and my anxiety skyrocketed each time I saw my specialist. More eye issues? What did I just do?

Credit: Canva stock

First, a little background. I love the holidays! The warm cozy fire, the smell of the fresh family Christmas tree, and the adventure of finding and cutting down the perfect one! Well, I never actually had those experiences because of all my allergies and asthma. Lol! 

So, for the first time, we set out to cut down my first real Christmas tree. We visited a local tree farm, found the perfect one, I squatted down and excitedly sawed my first tree trunk! I was so excited and it was the best experience… up until this moment. I got a little too close and one of the pine needles poked me right in the eye. OUCH! It hurt but I did not feel the pain until I got home. That night was brutal! My eye was super sensitive to light, and it was so painful. I also had to write a paper that night for school due the next day (ugh, procrastination). The next morning, I felt a lot better, but my eye was sore. I did not go to my eye specialist to have it checked. The months following were OK, but I started noticing more eye problems, like light sensitivity and dryness.

Last week I realized my eye was twitching. It felt like a spasm. It was uncomfortable and felt like there was something gritty in my eye. No pus, no fluid, and no discharge. It would come and go each day. It had to be a piece of that pine needle, right?

The very tree I went to battle with!

I would need to schedule a visit with my specialist soon, but I have since moved out of the city. I was due for new spectacles too, so I searched for eye care near me and made an appointment. My new optometrist was great! She also had good news that it wasn’t anything serious! WHEW! MAJOR RELIEF! It also wasn’t anything from the pine tree experience.

I had what she said was like an eye blister. WOAH, really? Turns out I have dry eye syndrome and need to lubricate with drops (specifically artificial tears) twice a day. BTW, my favorite drops are Systane Complete Lubricant Eye Drops (nano droplet) or Refresh Tears Lubricant Eye Drops. Easy fix, thank goodness! But what was an eye blister and how did I get it?

I am not a doctor, so I do not know all the info, but from questioning and some quick online research, I found that it was likely a result from hours of studying, book reading, little sleep, too much screen time, aging, and fans. Yes, fans! I have them everywhere to circulate the air in the room and because I’m warm natured. But they dry my eyes out. If you think you have dry eye syndrome, keep in mind there are other causes as well, like tear duct issues and medications. Again, I am not a doctor, just sharing my experience.

Credit: Canva stock

So, this blister got me thinking about deliberate and routine self-care again. Had I been more aware of my actions, I might not have this irritating thing. Small, intentional self-care activities keep my mind, and in this case my body, in good shape. 

I just finished an intense graduate program (hence so much reading). I had such tunnel vision focus to finish the program that I didn’t stop to think of how I was treating myself.  This blister is a reminder of what happens when I overlook healthy, daily self-care. It is a reminder to routinely be good to myself. A reminder to do something good for myself…. including the small things like my eyes.

Self-care isn’t just pampering. It’s not even purchasing my new (AWESOME!) glasses that are on the way. 

✅ It is taking care of my glasses daily (did not realize how rough I have been on them!).

✅ It is regularly keeping up with my specialist visits and going to the ophthalmologist to ensure my eye health is good. 

✅ It is gifting myself one extra hour of sleep and not straining my eyes on my phone before bed. 

✅ It is venturing outdoors with my family to find that perfect Christmas tree instead of watching tv (I will take goggles with me next year! Ha!) 

✅ It is also being compassionate to myself when I overlook self-care. I am so proud of the work I did in my graduate studies. I worked so hard (maybe too much!). Acknowledging what I can improve and being resilient helps allow for time to rest, repair, and refocus. 

Take care of your eyes y’all!

There were so many scratches on my glasses even after a good cleaning! Use water, a drop of Dawn soap, and a microfiber or a lens cloth for best cleaning practices. Your shirt or towels may have harsh fibers that scratch your glasses.

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